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Information for Employers

Dawn Career Institute is committed to supporting the local employer community. 

Finding the right candidate for an open position can be difficult. Our Career Services Department works closely with local healthcare and wellness providers to help them connect with DCI graduates. Below are a few ways we can all work together to benefit employers seeking qualified candidates, and our graduates seeking new career opportunities.

Campus Visits

Dawn welcomes you to visit the campus, meet with our students, and to participate as a guest speaker to share information and opportunities within your industry. You may set up a field trip to your location to help give our students a real-world experience of the healthcare or wellness fields. We can also set up one on one interviews with select students on campus.

Career Fairs

Career Fairs are a great opportunity to meet with a variety of graduates seeking new career opportunities. Contact our Career Services Department for a list of upcoming events!

Part-time Employment Opportunities

Many of our students are looking for part-time employment opportunities while they are in school. Dawn offers classes in the daytime, evening, and online, so our students have a variety of schedules that allow them the flexibility to meet your needs for part-time positions.

Program Advisory Boards

You can help enhance the career training of our students by participating as an Advisory Board Member. Members offer their specific knowledge and expertise to assist DCI with relevant curriculum and to keep our educational staff abreast of the current and future trends within the healthcare and wellness industries.

Our Partnership With Foulk Living

We knew our nurses would be excellent instructors and role models for the students. They gain valuable hands-on experience by shadowing these professionals in their role, with their RN instructor helping to guide them as well.

~ Leslie Johnson, Executive Director of Foulk Living