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How to Make a New Year’s Resolution for 2020

A career change can be your best resolution this year.

The holidays are over, the decorations taken down, the meals with family and friends have come and gone, and now everyone is settling into 2020. Many people use this time to reflect on the previous year and set resolutions for the new year. Consider what you can do this year to make it better than the last one.

  1. Help others
    Lend your time or donate to your favorite charity, volunteer at the local animal shelter or teach an arts and crafts workshop at a senior center. Find a way to help others that is meaningful to you.
  2. Physical improvement
    Add more leafy greens to your diet, try a type of exercise you’ve never done before, or quit a bad habit. Make a change to your daily life that improves your physical health.
  3. Relationships
    Reach out to a friend you’ve lost touch with, eat dinner with your family regularly, or make an effort to meet someone new. Social interaction is important for emotional health.
  4. Career fulfillment
    If you are unhappy or unfulfilled by your current job, consider starting on a new career path. Career training schools offer accelerated programs so you can be trained and ready to start a new career in less time than you think.

If career fulfillment is on your New Year’s resolution list, Dawn Career Institute can help!

Dawn Career Institute offers career training programs in the health care, wellness and trades fields. The programs have focused curriculums that are specially designed to get you trained and working in your chosen career field quickly. Certificate and diploma programs can be completed in as few as 4 – 36 weeks so you could be working in a new job by this time next year. Classes are specific to your program; there are no unnecessary general education classes that are required as part of the curriculum at traditional colleges and universities. And Dawn’s instructors have actually worked in the field, so you benefit from their real-world knowledge and experience. The emphasis on hands-on, focused career training in your chosen field helps students to be confident and prepared to enter the workforce. Visit to learn more.

Choose a New Year’s resolution that is meaningful to you and will have a significant impact on your life in 2020. Then work hard to keep it. Good luck!