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Top job interview tips you should know

What to know before, during, and after your next interview

January can be a popular time for job hunting. A new year and new hiring budgets combine for a period of greater opportunity – and greater competition.

Whether you are graduating soon, have graduated recently, or are simply looking for ways to prepare for your next job hunting experience, it’s important to prepare and know what to expect. At Dawn Career Institute, our Career Services department will be your go-to resource for job interview tips and preparation. Check out these interview tips on what to do before, during and after your interview – and how we can help you every step of the way.

Before Your Job Interview

Start with strong materials
Creating a concise, powerfully worded and easy-to-read resume and cover letter, might seem daunting. Fortunately, the Career Services department can help save the day. Resume Writing Workshops provide students professional help with their resumes and cover letters – and a strong resume and cover letter can be the deciding factor on whether or not you land an interview with a company.

Get out there and make connections
Being a powerful networker is a strong trait that can help you get that interview. What better way to network and understand potential employers than by attending a career fair? Career fairs can provide students with useful career information and connections with regional employers. Check to see if there are any local career fairs happening in your area!

Practice in a low-stress environment
If the thought of being caught off-guard by a question makes you nervous and anxious, relieve your stress by doing a run-through interview called a “mock-interview” with our Career Services department. Professionals will interview you with commonly asked questions, and then provide you constructive feedback in a low-stress environment. Mock interviews can help boost your confidence and give you an idea of what to expect during a real interview.

During Your Job Interview

Dress the part
You’ve secured an opportunity, so congrats! Keep in mind that before you speak, your appearance and attire will speak for you. Thus, dressing professionally and appropriately can set you apart from the competition. To make a good first impression during your interview, talk with Career Services about what “professional” and “appropriate” really means – before you turn your closet inside-out.

Have questions? Ask away
One way to relieve the pressure of an interview is to view it like a conversation; this means you should feel comfortable asking questions, too. Take a few moments prior to your interview to research the company. By thinking of a few insightful and high-quality questions in advance, you show the interviewer that you’re engaged and curious about the job and the organization.

After Your Job Interview

The process isn’t over just yet! Take a moment to consider what went well in your interview and where you could improve. Make sure to contact Career Services to let us know how it went, and for tips on how to respond to any questions you may have had difficulty answering. Even if you do not get an offer, one of the best interview tips to consider is following up with an email asking the employer for any feedback. Our Career Services professionals are here to help you as you work toward your career goals.

The job hunt can be a scary and yet exciting time. Set yourself up for success by visiting our Career Services department first.