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Create a Resume That will Stand Out

Tips to get your resume noticed

When you are applying for a job, you’re counting on your skills, experience, and overall personality to land you the position you want. However, before you get to that stage your resume needs to stand out. Your resume has to convince the employer that you are worth the time for an interview.

According to CareerBuilder, on average companies receive more than 75 resumes a day for their open positions.

Having a resume that stands out and catches the eye of an employer can be difficult. Check out these tips to enhance your resume.

Alter Your Resume to the Job You’re Appling For

It is essential to have a resume that puts your best foot forward against the competition. You don’t want your resume to blend in or have errors. Create an authentic resume style that catches their eye. Adjust your resume to each job you apply for by reflecting the job you’re submitting to for consideration.

Carefully read the job description while taking notes on the job requirements. Then modify your resume to highlight your matching experience and skills. This will show employers that you took the time to read their job listing and know exactly what they are looking for in an employee.

Industry Keywords

One of the best ways to make your resume stand out is to use the job posting as a guide. Job descriptions are written with certain keywords and terminology, which can help your resume catch an employer’s attention if you use the same lingo.

Some employers use a resume-filtering software that scans for resume keywords and evaluates how closely resumes and cover letters match the preferred skills and experience. These terms are even more important to include if you want to secure an interview.

Use a Header

A brief, eye-catching headline is a great way to grab the employer’s attention. Use this space to include your name, contact information and what position you’re applying for. This is where you should include any licenses or certifications and be sure to include your credentials’ acronyms at the end of your name.

It is a simple but effective way to grab the employer’s attention. This will also bring your resume together and give it an all-around polished look.

Keep It Simple

Simplicity goes a long way. You never know exactly how a hiring manager will review your resume. They can pull it up on their phone or go through an application tracking system. Stick to a clean and simple resume to avoid any legibility issues.

Format and font are just as important. Use common, simple fonts like Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri for easy reading. Be sure to use a font size that is readable, usually 10 to 12 points works best. Stick to a monochromatic color palette and list all job titles and employers in bold and italics.

Proof, Proof and Proof Again

Before sending off your resume, you should take time to read it thoroughly. Errors in a resume will not impress an employer and hurt your chances of moving forward. You want to be certain that there are no spelling mistakes, typos, or grammatical errors. While proofing, also check for any kind of formatting errors.

Ask another individual who has excellent, punctuation and spelling skills to review before you send it off as an extra measure for quality review.

At Dawn Career Institute, our Career Services department can help your professional development skills through resume writing workshops. Visit our website or call us at 800-490-9135 for more information.