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How to Keep Your Skin Glowing this Winter

5 skin care tips for healthy skin

Most people strive to have healthy and glowing skin, but the cold weather can wreak havoc. The cold weather can lead to dry skin causing cracking, itch and even bleeding. The cold weather and low humidity levels result in dry air which steal the moisture from your skin.

These five skin care tips will help you keep your skin healthy and glowing this winter season.

Limit water and room temperature

After a cold day it is tempting to take a nice hot shower and crank up the heat, but this can remove the moisture from your skin. Hot water evaporates quicker than if you were bathing in lukewarm water. Avoid taking long hot showers in exchange for moderate-temperature water and for shorter periods of time. After you get out of the shower, pat yourself dry and lather on a thick layer of cream to lock in moisture.

The air in your house becomes even drier when the heat is on high, causing even more harm. Try setting your thermostat at a cool yet comfortable setting to help maintain healthy skin. Remember to stay warm, not hot.

Moisturize frequently

Some over-the-counter moisturizers have petroleum-based ingredients that can actually further dry skin. A rich, oil-based moisturizer that contains shea butter will help seal in water and maintain moisture. Applying lotion to your skin daily will help lock in moisture for a soft healthy feeling.

Your hands, feet, elbows and knees have thinner skin and are more likely to lose moisture faster than other areas on your body, especially during your night sleep. To avoid losing moisture, apply a thick layer of deep moisturizing lotion at night before bed. After applying your nightly lotion, wear cotton socks to help seal in moisture until the morning.

Modify your facial skin-care regimen

During winter months try to stay clear of astringents or products that contain alcohol. Products containing alcohol will drain out any moisture causing your skin to dry out. Avoiding astringents and fragrances will help retain your skin’s natural oils and moisture. Try products containing less-drying astringent ingredients such as witch hazel or unscented products.

Don’t forget about your lips! Apply moisturizing balm such as petroleum jelly to help heal dry, cracked lips and keep them from getting chapped. Avoid licking chapped lips and apply lip balm as needed throughout the day.

Protect your skin

The cold winds, rain and snow can be harmful. Wear gloves on your hands, specifically waterproof gloves would be best to keep your hands protected while in the snow. Wrap a scarf around your neck and protect any area of your chest that may not be protected by your coat. Wear a hat and pull it down as far as you can to help protect parts of your face and ears from the elements.

Sunscreen is not just for summer time. In fact, the winter sun can be just as harmful as the summer sun. The winter sun combined with the snow glare can be damaging. Before going outside, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen to your face and hands.

Wear appropriate and comfortable clothing

Some cold-weather fabrics can actually aggravate dry winter skin. Wool and rough clothing can cause dry skin to become irritated and itchy if your skin has direct contact. During the winter season wear clothing that has natural fibers like cotton. If you prefer to have wool socks or gloves, wear a pair of cotton socks or gloves as liners.

Wet clothing and shoes can also irritate your skin resulting in an increase of itchiness. If your socks, pants or gloves become wet, try to remove them as soon as possible.

Interested in learning more about keeping your skin healthy and glowing? New Beginnings Spa offers a variety of healthy and hydrating products to help you this winter season. You can help others keep their skin glowing year round as an Advanced Esthetician. Visit Dawn Careers Institute to see how to get your career started.